Monday, March 23, 2020

Plague Diaries, Issue 11: March 23, 2020

Week 2 of this whackadoodle, twilight, in-between existence. Today, I stuck, more or less, to a schedule of work and recreation and exercise and dining, although I slept a bit later than I would have liked. This was due to the fact that I was up until the wee hours this morning, on the phone with a friend from California who was trying to convince me that this is legitimately the end of the world. (News flash, guys: it's not.) We agreed that if things get bad, though, I'll establish a new matriarchal society in which one's political power and social standing are determined by the number of cats in one's entourage. I can get on board with that kind of brave new world. Just sayin'.

It was a painfully beautiful early spring day. I almost wish the weather would turn cold and nasty and wet for a few weeks, to keep people inside. But still, as my uncle and I remarked to each other during our phone call today, it's still kind of comforting. "The chipmunks and birds don't give a shit. We humans, we're kind of incidental to the world's progress right now."

Here are two other critters who aren't overly perturbed by current events:

They're not purr-turbed at all!
I actually had human interaction today--with The Prof,  the woman for whom I'm a personal assistant/caregiver. I've known her for a significant chunk of my life, and we have a funny and delightful relationship that's part friendship, part employer/employee, part mentor/mentee. Her health is compromised, so she is is one of the reasons why I am  fiercely guarding my exposure to others. Other than venturing forth for supplies, I keep myself sequestered so as to protect her. You know, like we should all fucking be doing anyway. I've also had a couple of virtual happy hours in the evenings with some friends/strangers/colleagues, but those are almost counter-productive for me; they are vital for my sanity, but afterwards I feel a little lonesome, a little bereft.

I'm reading PS I Still Love You, White Fragility: Why It's So Hard to Talk to White People About Racism, and The Road to Little Dribbling. I'm bingeing Schitt's Creek, and when I'm on the exercise bike, I'm listening to the podcast Pretty Basic. I've been doing a fair amount of coloring, too...

I'm taking it day by day, and I'm trying to keep faith that we, as a global society, will make it through.

Funny--I've been keeping this blog in a desultory fashion for years, but I've always struggled for content, probably because I struggle with Who the hell cares? Even though I care, and that should be enough. And now that my life is at a complete standstill in so many ways, this is when I am being vigilant about updating things here. Is there any content that y'all would like me to post about? I do well with writing prompts.

Now, let's turn to the business of the day:

Here in Indiana, we've finally gotten our orders to stay the fuck at home. 

COVID-19 count here in Indiana: Up to 259, from yesterday's 201. To all of you 259: I don't know who you are, but I am sending my love and hope your way. Even if you got COVID-19 because you didn't stay the fuck at home.

Memes, Tweets, and/or Funny Shit of the Day:

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