Monday, April 20, 2020

Plague Diaries, Issue 39: April 20, 2020

Today was one of those days which completely encapsulates what April is: a beautiful, fickle creature, who toys with us mercilessly, raising our hopes with the bright sun and then darkening them with unexpected clouds. For the majority of the day, it was truly fine--sunny and breezy with a bit of chill in the air. Later in the afternoon, I sat out on the deck and read and listened to the wind tinkle through the windchimes and watched as my cat wandered out and lifted his little snoot and sniffed at all the curious and beguiling scents on the breeze. But by the time I was done at The Prof's this evening, the weather had turned (as of course it must do it at this particularly mercurial time of year), and the clouds were gathering. The rain should start soon, which always makes me happy.

One of the unexpected losses I have encountered during this apocalypse has been the loss of my beloved Indianapolis. I love Bloomington, but I love Indy. Problematic though this city is, it's my favorite place in the world. There is so much I love about it--the architecture and the history and the restaurants and the landscape. But of course what I love most about Indy are the people: the friends I have made there over the years, the friends who in many cases have become a sort of family to me. I miss them terribly right now, and I also miss (and actually resent!), quite terribly, the freedom and ability to hop in my car and drive for a little less than an hour and pursue little adventures in The Circle City. I miss the delightfully frank conversations, the traditions that I am starting to build up, the shared history I have with the people I know and love them. I miss them all, so much.

One of my Indy friends, Dr. J, has been diligently creating masks for people, a labor of love and conscience and duty that will surprise no one who knows this incredibly warm-hearted and generous woman. Years ago, I showed up on her doorstep, a rather pitiful and emotionally lost waif trying to reconnect with her fiance, an old friend of mine, and Dr. J didn't hesitate to befriend me and take me under her wing, in the sweetest way possible. And today, the much-beleaguered U.S. postal service delivered a package from her, containing two of the masks that she created.

It was a powerful reminder of the people in my life, the people who I don't see right now, but who are still here, and who will be here (god willing and the crick don't rise) when I can finally, finally hop into my car and drive back to Indy and reunite with these people who I love so well.

In the meantime...

Daily Indiana COVID-19 Counts: 
Total Number of Cases: 11,686 (up from yesterday's 11,210)
569 People have died.

Daily Gratitude: 
Rain! Rain makes everything better. I like a little sunshine every now and then, especially at this time of year, but rain seems so much more cosy and calming and safe.

Daily Funnies: 

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