Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Plague Diaries, Issue 47: April 28, 2020

As we get closer to May 1, the conversations--national, personal, professional, and political--are focused on "reopening." Reopening the country, reopening the economy, reopening businesses. Reopening our lives, really. But because we don't have effective treatments for, or vaccines against, COVID-19, re-opening isn't going to be a resumption of our usual lives. And it's going to be a logistical nightmare, one from which I avert my eyes and thoughts.

It also makes me wonder--at what point do I declare finis to the Plague Diairies? When the governor lifts the stay-at-home order? When I go back to work? When I can gather in the same room with my friends? It seems like, especially as "normal" won't be happening right away, there will still be a reason to keep a "plague diary", if not every day, a fair amount, at least. To observe the potential "second curve", the political, social, and economic fallout from the past few months; to record the simple pleasure of returning to a store and touching an object without feeling compelled to buy it; to note the sheer delight of falling into the arms of my sisters.

Well, all of this is speculation; it all will come to pass at some point soon, but I don't spend too much time on this cool spring evening thinking about it. I'd rather lay in bed and smile as I think back on the day: productive work done; a lengthy Zoom birthday party with friends; various small tasks accomplished; a delightfully frothy period drama series binged. And another plague diary entry completed.

Daily Indiana COVID-19 Counts:
Total Number of Cases: 16,588 (up from yesterday's 15,961)
901 people have died.

Daily Gratitude: 
Thus far, our Indiana governor, Eric Holcomb, has been incredibly sensible in this crisis, and while it's no more than what we deserve--we are lucky. Is it too much to hope he continues to be cautious for just a little longer?

Daily Funnies


  1. I hope you've submitted this to the Indiana Historical Society's call for COVID-19 stories. I'm keeping a small hand-written journal of this time, but your blog posts are really good records of this time. <3

    Also, I hope your family is in good health.

    1. Hey there! Yes, I am planning on submitting this to IHS, as well as IU. Just have to clean up a few earlier posts to make sure I am not revealing any personal medical info about The Prof.

      How are you all doing up there?

    2. I am contentedly quarantined with my cats and my parents and their cats. I try to do all the outside contact for Mom & Dad, and they're happy to let me. Mom's younger sister is, from what I can tell, shopping 3 times a week. Mom's older sister, not possessing a car, can't go anywhere without a driver--and said youngest sister is too afraid the eldest sister will "die in her car" to take her anywhere, so Mom's refusal to leave the house us protecting her older sister as well. All healthy here so far. :D
